In any organization, one of the toughest jobs is to lead. They say that there are people who are born leaders, but they are still not perfect. One of the challenges of being a leader is how to connect with their team and how to make them work together and be more productive. Communication is key. A good leader understands the importance of effective communication skills and seeks to continue communicating with the team on a daily basis.
The Halifax Chamber of Commerce is pleased to offer a FREE online training on Leadership Skills! This is a 12-week program and it will every run every Tuesday at 9:00 am-12:00pm starting on January 25, 2022.
This program should only be taken on a computer, laptop, or tablet. NO phones. Participants should have a strong wifi and should have a webcam because video participation is a requirement. The Halifax Chamber of Commerce worked so hard to give us this online training so if you wish to participate, you should be free from distractions.
The trainer is Kathy Stanford, owner of The Performance View Business Solutions. Kathy provides customized training solutions and executive coaching to employees and workplaces in Nova Scotia as well as across Canada. She is a Certified Executive Coach at the Royal Roads University, a Certificate in Adult Education at Dalhousie University, an authorized Partner with Wiley Learning Solutions, a Certified in the Everything DiSC® suite of products; and a member of the Association of Workplace Educators of Nova Scotia, Halifax Chamber of Commerce, Centre for Women in Business, Toastmasters International, and the International Coach Federation.
For more information about this training, visit