With our weather getting warmer, more and more people are excited of going out for a swim! Here are some of the beaches, outdoor pools, and splash pads to look out for! There are also some updates on the other places where you may or may not swim.
Lifeguard supervision and water quality testing of the splashpads and beaches takes place between July 1 and August 31 each year. Municipal staffs regularly test the water quality for bacteria levels at all supervised municipal beaches, as well as one unsupervised beach, during the summer months (July 1 – August 31). Know your swimming limitations if you choose to swim in unsupervised bodies of water. Always swim with a buddy in supervised areas and adults should never leave children unsupervised in the water.
The Chocolate Lake, Kearney Lake and Penhorn lake have extended their own beach season and will have supervision dates extended and will be opened on September 2-4. There are also some unsupervised beaches such as the Malay Falls, Dingle beach, Blackrock Beach, Kinsmen beach and Government Wharf.
The Beach washroom or change room facilities of the Albro Lake Beach and Chocolate Lake Beach are open from 9 in the morning until 9 p.m. While the Birch Cove Beach and Penhorn Beach are from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.
On June 17, all splash pads will be opened except for the Halifax Commons. Speaking of which, this summer a new Splash pad will open on the Dartmouth Commons named Shirely’s Splash pad!
More from this update at https://www.halifax.ca/parks-recreation/programs-activities/swimming/supervised-beaches-outdoor-pools-splash-pads
Reference: https://www.halifax.ca/
Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash