By Jamie Tweedie, LPN, Client Services Manager at Parkland Clayton Park
Warmer weather means our bodies needs more water to stay hydrated! As we get older, our need to be well hydrated becomes even more important. It is a vital way to stay on our feet, avoid urinary tract infections, to lubricate our joints and more.
We can often tell we are dehydrated by some common signs – dry mouth, headache, sluggishness, or even urinating less. As we age, often our sense of thirst may decrease, and we may need to find tricks to continue to drink the right amount. Some experts tell us that our bodies require 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. How do we do this in our busy schedule? Here are some tips to help you stay hydrated:
• Carry a water bottle with you!
• Take a drink every 15-20 minutes to replace the fluids you are losing.
• Infuse your water with fruits or vegetables. This is one of the best ways to add extra nutrients and create fun flavors. Try adding thin
cucumber slices or blueberries with orange slices. You will feel like drinking more water!
• For those of you like me, who love caffeine, double up your water intake when drinking caffeinated products. For example, for every cup of
coffee you drink, you drink one bottle of water after.
• Track your intake. You can use a computer app or good old fashion check marks on a piece of paper. Keeping track keeps us motivated.
• Take a quick water break between tasks
• Increase your intake of foods that have high water percentages like cantaloupe, strawberries, spinach, watermelon, and cucumbers.
• Create a buddy system, encouraging your friends and family to take quick water breaks with you
Let us all stay safe and have fun this summer!