By Bruce Holland, Publisher
When I was a child growing up, in a family of eight, there was no extra money for things that were not necessities. Buying new clothes, or anything new for that matter, was the exception. New to you (used) was the norm. My Mother rarely ever bought something that was out of the ordinary. That is why in 1978, when she bought a new book about the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, I found it odd that she would spend money on something that, at that time, seemed frivolous to me.
In retrospect, by 1978, most of the children were getting older, several had left the nest, and there was some disposable income in the household, but why did Mother decide this book was important enough to spend hard earned money on?
Well after a lifetime with my Mother and a lifetime of following the activities of Queen Elizabeth, it became evident to me that my Mother had a deep admiration for Elizabeth, not because she was Royalty, but because Elizabeth was someone who cared deeply for the well being of her family, her community, and her country, and was someone my Mother could model her life after.
The year 1952 heralded the beginning of the second Elizabethan era with the accession of the young Queen Elizabeth II to the throne. Twenty-five years later, in 1977, Her Majesty and Her Loyal Followers, celebrated the Silver Jubilee of her reign. The occasion was marked by a great number of State celebrations and tours, both in the United Kingdom and overseas. There has never been a more spontaneous outpouring of loyalty and affection for a Monarch than was seen during these celebrations, until the Queen’s recent passing.
My Mother served during the Second World War, as did the Queen. They both had numerous children; they both were active in the lives of those around them; they both gave of their time on community organizations and groups; and both showed the love of God and Country through service to both.
As I got older it became abundantly clear why my mother had so much appreciation and affection for Queen Elizabeth II. In many ways they were a lot alike. That is why I want to express my sincere affection for both of these great women!
Photo by Mark de Jong on Unsplash