What is Probus? An opportunity to enhance your retirement years!
Probus is a social club for retired men and women. Once a month Probus provides an informal environment in which to meet friends old and new, hear an interesting speaker and enjoy a pleasant lunch. In addition, special interest groups in the club have formed a book club, a hiking group and a bridge club. Also, there are organized visits to special activities and places of interest.
As a member of Probus you will be part of a worldwide organization of over 4000 clubs (www. probusglobal.org) of which 250 are in Canada (www.probus.org) and 5 in Nova Scotia, including Halifax, Dartmouth, Sackville, Kentville and Truro. You have worked hard and can now enjoy your retirement. At this time in your life, Probus will provide an opportunity to participate in interesting activities and help increase your social contacts free of the constraints and obligations of other clubs. Annual fees are nominal.
You will enjoy Probus as others around the world have discovered. So, give your retirement years a boost. JOIN PROBUS!
on the Halifax club probusclubhfx@gmail.com
on the Dartmouth club probus.dartmouth@gmail.com
on the Sackville club probusclubcobequid@gmail.com
on the Kentville club murrb@yahoo.com
on the Truro club theprobusclubofcolchester@gmail.com
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-group-of-people-sitting-beside-a-steel-framed-window-while-holding-their-phones-3863768/