By Bruce Holland, Publisher
It’s spring, and that’s a time of renewal, and getting out to plant and make things grow! Thanks to the Halifax Northwest Rotary Club the Spryfield Urban Farm has 12 new raised gardens to plant in this year.
A fantastic Urban Farm in the heart of the community, the Spryfield Urban Farm has been a great place for the community to gather to grow food and flowers and celebrate in many ways.
The Urban Farm has provided children’s programing over the years and greets the public throughout the growing season, often providing summer employment to local students through various government employment programs.
Upkeep and replacing aging infrastructure is always a challenging issue for non-profit organizations like the Urban Farm and this year the Halifax Northwest Rotary Club stepped up and renewed all 12 of the Urban Farms raised garden beds.
This was all done by Rotary Club members volunteering their time to the project over several weekends. The necessity to use heavier lumber made the project that much more challenging. Congratulations to Marc Tasse, who coordinated the project on behalf of the Rotary Club. Marc’s dedication to this project was greatly appreciated by Club members.
Club member, Brendan McDonald said, “Great Job Marc, thank you for your leadership in organizing the entire event and providing the direction and management to get it done!
Accolades and Congratulations are also in order for Patricia (Pat) MacLean who recently retired as President after more than 25 years of volunteering at the Urban Farm as President.
The Spryfield Urban Farm will be hosting the Annual Strawberry Social event as part of the Spryfield Days Festival on Sunday, July 16th, 2023, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. This is always a great event, free to the public. Be sure to drop by for some great food and entertainment.
Many thanks to Marc Tasse and all the members of the Halifax Northwest Rotary Club who participated in this project!