The municipality maintains roughly 6.2 million square meters of grass at 2,500 different locations throughout the region, cutting it from May to October. This grass can be found in parks, on the grounds of the Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE), on sporting fields, in municipal buildings, and on rights-of-way. Contractors, community collaborations, and internal resources are used to cut the grass.
The municipality has policies in place for its lawn cutting service. In terms of grass cutting, our service rules describe what local residents should anticipate from the municipality, including how frequently sites are maintained and the maintenance tasks performed at each site.
The municipality has the authority to make further cuts to sites within a particular classification during times of rapid population expansion as part of the government’s commitment to the community. These cuts typically begin in the first week of June and offer up to an extra six cuts over the course of a six-week period.
Due to weather, special event scheduling, use of school locations, or other unforeseen daytime use, there may also be deviations to the service norms.
Selected sites must be trimmed and kept up by the municipality but the government is not liable for trimming the grass on landlords’ properties, commercial buildings, private residences, and locations owned by other governmental entities.
According to the Respecting Streets By-law (S-300), property owners are required to keep the grass on their property and the right of way that borders their property at a respectable height of about six inches. A Compliance Officer will go to the property to conduct a site inspection if the municipality gets a complaint that the grass has not been cut.
In the event of a violation, the Compliance Officer will provide the property owner an Order along with a deadline for cutting the grass. The municipality will finish the job by employing a contractor to trim the grass, which is billed back to the property owner and creates a lien against the property, if the owner of the property does not comply by the deadline specified in the Order.
The grass cutting season this year will end on October 21. To learn more about this program visit
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