Probus Canada has chosen the month of October to celebrate Probus clubs globally and across the nation. Probus now has 350,000 individuals who have chosen to join one of the 4,000 Probus clubs around the world meeting regularly to provide fellowship and camaraderie. Within Canada, there are 250 clubs with over 35,000 members. For those readers who are not familiar with the Probus organization, it is a volunteer-based, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian fellowship organization.
Our clubs are all about encouraging healthy minds and bodies and socializing with other retirees in the community. As a Probus club member, you are eligible to join Probus Global free of charge. However, you do have to go to the Probus Global website to register to become a member. If you are a Probus club member who has yet to register, go to to do so. If you are considering joining a Probus Club, choose a club and attend a meeting as a guest to assess whether or not you feel comfortable within that particular group. You will definitely be greeted warmly, introduced to the group as well as have the opportunity to listen to that month’s guest speaker. The following are the email addresses for the Halifax, Dartmouth and Cobequid (Sackville and Bedford) clubs: ; ;
The month of October is a good time to attend a Probus meeting as it gives you the opportunity to participate in the annual celebration of this wonderful organization.