Living in the digital age has a distinct set of obstacles in addition to unmatched convenience and potential. Learning how to live in the digital age demands astute tactics and ingenious solutions for everything from keeping digital clutter under control to maintaining online security. Utilize these tips for smart living to become a true Digital Dynamo.
Backup your files
By now, you should be aware of how crucial it is to have a backup of your digital information. Consider, for instance, how many phone numbers you truly know by heart. Chances are, not many. You will have to spend a great deal of time gathering your contact information again if you misplace your phone and it isn’t backed up.
More importantly, if your computer crashes, you won’t lose sensitive financial or personal data because you have backed up your files. Plus, you may use your phone to view your digital assets stored on the cloud.
Protect sensitive electronics
Our gadgets are all equipped with delicate circuitry. In the event of a power surge, they may sustain irreversible damage. One option is to connect your computer, phone, and TV to an outlet that guards against surges. However, this means that other items, such as your appliances, could sustain harm from a spike following a blackout. Put a whole-home surge protector on your circuit panel to safeguard all the gadgets in your home.
Be cyber secure
Reusing passwords across platforms may seem appealing, but doing so increases your vulnerability to cyberattacks, which can have serious repercussions even if just one of your favorite websites is compromised. You should utilize complicated sentences, combine capital and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols, and use a minimum of eight characters for each password you make.
Whenever possible, opt for multi-factor authentication, which requires you to input a temporary, one-of-a-kind passcode that you get via text or email to verify your identity. In the event that someone steals your login information and tries to access your accounts, this provides an additional layer of security.
Watch out for scams
Scammers utilize every tactic in the book, such as “phishing” emails, texts, or posts on social media, to attempt to obtain your money. Visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s website to learn how to recognize strange texts and to stay up to date on the most recent scams. Verify whether the email address appears to be from a different organization than it does, if the email signature contains hazy logos, or if any of the links or attachments seem suspect. Always be on the lookout for spelling errors and be cautious of texts that contain threats or urgent demands. If in doubt, get in touch with the sender via a different method, such as visiting their website straight and getting in touch with customer service via phone or chat to make sure the request is genuine.
Learn more tips and tricks to stay smart in living in the digital world at
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