HRM is one of Canada’s fastest growing cities and Regional Council is working to ensure housing construction keeps pace with our population. This spring, Regional Council will vote on a package of zoning changes aimed at speeding up construction across the municipality. The changes are also aimed at encouraging a greater variety of housing options. Dozens of potential sites are being considered for rezoning. Priority will be given to proposed multi-unit housing projects on bus routes, near universities and near existing services.
The five sites proposed for redevelopment in District 10 are:
• 70 Lacewood Drive (Clayton Park Plaza); a proposed redevelopment of an older strip mall; nine storeys is recommended by HRM staff;
• 167 Willett Street; proposed redevelopment of Saint Mena’s church site to include residential units; seven storeys recommended by HRM staff;
• 127/141 Harlington Crescent (behind Clayton Park Shoppers Drug Mart); proposed development of vacant land into multi-unit residential; 14 storeys is recommended by HRM staff;
• 1 Lodge Drive/544 Bedford Highway; proposed redevelopment of house and vacant lot into residential multi-unit; 7 storeys is recommended by HRM staff;
• 44-48 Main Ave; proposed multi-unit housing; 7 storeys recommended by HRM staff.
If approved, these five projects would receive new zoning as part of HRM’s agreement with the federal government under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). The HAF agreement will enable the municipality to hire staff to support faster planning approvals of housing projects and to help address the estimated shortfall of 20,000 housing units.
Also being proposed under the HAF agreement:
• increased height permitted on some main streets in the downtown core, possibly up to 40 storeys;
• planning amendments to encourage conversions of office space to housing;
• 4 housing units permitted per suburban lot, up from 3 units currently permitted;
More details are available on the municipality’s website under the heading Housing Accelerator Fund. Regional Council will vote on this package of planning changes in March or April, and there will be a public hearing at that time. In the meantime, I welcome your comments and questions at Kathryn.morse@ halifax.ca.
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