Smoking can lead to major health issues like cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disorders, and cigarette smoke includes more than 7,000 different chemicals. Although quitting smoking is difficult, it is doable and there is assistance available. These tips will help you in achieving your goal.
Have a plan
First, make a plan to quit. Why you want to quit, any worries you may have, a list of potential triggers for cravings, the tools and strategies you’ll use to deal with cravings, and—perhaps most importantly—the date you aim to quit should all be included in your plan.
Refer to your plan to remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and the things you can do to support yourself when you are having trouble resisting a craving. No two people’s plans will be exactly alike. Not everything that worked for someone else will work for you.
A ten-minute online quit plan tool is available for free from Health Canada.
Use replacement tools
You will experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms after your last cigarette, such as restlessness, trouble focusing, or trouble falling asleep. This is how your body reacts to reduced nicotine levels, which might all result in cravings again. However, there are resources available to assist you in managing these impacts and urges.
Nicotine gums, patches, lozenges, and inhalers are just a few of the many alternatives available for nicotine replacement treatment. Prescription drugs like bupropion or varenicline, as well as the plant-based natural health supplement cytisine, are additional quit aids. Combining some quit aids, such a nicotine patch and gum, can almost treble your odds of stopping, according to research.
Seek out support
Although you alone have the power to decide to quit and see it through to completion, having the support of others around you can help you succeed. If they smoke, they can assist you by abstaining from smoking when you are around them or by simply going for a walk with you until your need subsides.
A professional, such as a counselor or pharmacist, might also be of assistance. There are free quit support services all around the nation where you can text, call, or chat with a quit coach.
It takes a journey, not a single event, to quit smoking. Despite potential obstacles, perseverance is essential. The likelihood that you will successfully stop smoking can be increased by establishing a reward system, getting help, and establishing a specific quit date. You are getting closer to living a healthy, smoke-free life with each step you take.
Learn more about tips on how to quit smoking at:
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