By Bruce Holland, Publisher
I think it is safe to say that we are in for a lot of changes in 2025! With a new incoming President in the United States, and in all likelihood, a new government in Canada, there are sure to be a lot of changes.
There will be a lot of pressure for these new governments to solve many of today’s issues. It is one thing to bluster over what you think people want to hear during an election campaign, it’s another all together to produce results once elected.
In Nova Scotia, Premier Houston made some positive strides toward solving some of the dilemmas we found ourselves in at the end of the previous government and because he was successful the people have chosen to give him another huge mandate. These next four years will be the big test for the Houston government. Much will depend on how America and our Federal government perform and the effects that will have on our economy, but make no mistake, Nova Scotia will have to move the yardsticks on many issues in the next four years to garner another majority like the one they were just given.
What a new Federal government in Canada will be able to accomplish remains to be seen, but rest assured the pressure will be on when it comes to making our lives more affordable, providing affordable housing, and improving accessibility to family doctors. The new Trump government in America may play a big part in our economy and it remains to be seen how this will play out.
Like a new government mandate, a new year is a good time to revisit our lives and how we have been doing. There is nothing wrong with making New Year Resolutions. After all, it is a form of goal setting, and rest assured, setting goals for our lives is always a good thing. Striving to be better, whether it be within our families, our places of employment, or as citizens, makes us better people, and the world a better place to be.
The Greek philosopher, Epictetus, provided some wise advice around setting resolutions when he said, “Practice yourself, for heaven’s sake, in little things, and then proceed to greater!”
Often, we will set lofty goals that are either unattainable or that we are just not ready for. That is not to say we should not challenge ourselves to be better. Epictetus also said, “It is difficulties that show us what we are.” I find this brief statement has proven so true throughout my life. Yes, it is always nice to achieve your goals, but what you do when you fall short of them shows who you really are.
Setting New Year resolutions is admirable and can be a great way to challenge oneself. However, having goals in life and resetting those goals from time to time is even more important. Without goals life can become complacent and perhaps even boring. Challenge yourself to be better each and every day. Make your life and the lives of those around you better by being better, consistently, whether at home with your family, or at work with your colleagues, or in the community with your friends and neighbours. You will feel better, and those around you will be better for it!
Wishing all our Parkview News readers the very best in 2025!
Image by Kerfin7 on Freepik