Mark Boudreau pulls up in a late model Toyota wrapped in Conservative Party colours and parks in a conspicuous location in a quiet residential neighbourhood in Halifax’s west end. He jumps out of the car with his campaign manager, followed by a vanload of a dozen twenty-somethings, all dressed in royal blue winter jackets featuring large CPC logos on the back. They are the picture of youthful enthusiasm, eager to knock on doors and meet potential voters.
The last member of Parliament for Halifax to carry the conservative banner was Stuart McInnes, elected 40 years ago in Brian Mulroney’s landslide victory of 1984 over Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre. In that election, the conservatives won the second largest majority in Canadian history. Mark Boudreau believes history will repeat itself.
“We’ve got a great crew of young volunteers with us today to let people know it’s time for a change,” Mark tells me. “For the first time in years, young families in Halifax are looking to the Conservatives to get Canada back on track.”
Halifax has been held by the Liberals or NDP since the late 80’s. With the likelihood of an incoming strong Conservative majority, Mark feels Halifax deserves an equally strong voice in Ottawa to represent Atlantic Canada’s largest economic centre.
“From what we are hearing at the door, people are fed up with how the Liberal/ NDP coalition has degraded their standard of living through the Carbon Tax, doubling the cost of homes, and mismanaging the budget.” Mark added. “All these young people with me today are deeply concerned about the direction of the country and they want to help us break the Liberal/NDP grip on Halifax.”
There was supposed to be a by-election in March, following the resignation last year of Liberal MP Andy Filmore to run for mayor. With the chaos now enveloping Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, the country may be looking at a general election sooner. The NDP candidate, Lisa Roberts ran unsuccessfully against Filmore in 2021 (the Liberals have yet to have anyone step forward). While the Liberal/NDP brand has been dominant since 1998, Boudreau feels the tide is turning.
“We all realize we need to work really hard, but we are also getting a great response on the doorsteps. We are out here with a message of positive change,” Mark added. “Halifax deserves to be at the table and in the conversation on how that is going to happen.”
Photo credits: By Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota – Halifax Harbour Sunset Skyline, CC BY-SA 2.0,