Safety is probably one of your top concerns when looking for the house and neighborhood of your dreams. While most purchasers concentrate on local crime statistics and security measures, a home’s design and materials are just as crucial to your family’s safety.
Here are three frequently ignored safety features to think about when looking for a home:
- Rear-facing garages
Houses with garages at the rear of the property contribute to less traffic on the front streets, which makes the neighborhood safer for children playing outside and pedestrians. These designs make roadways calmer and less crowded by directing vehicles to laneways, which can relax parents and make neighborhoods more walkable. - Front porches
In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, front porches promote neighborly social interaction and a stronger sense of community. It gives people a sense of security to know that there are people they can trust sitting on their front porches. - Fire-resistant siding
Both Hardie plank siding and stucco provide an extra degree of security when it comes to building materials. Because of their fire resistance, these sturdy materials lessen the chance that your house will burn down. In regions that are vulnerable to wildfires or intense heat, stucco or Hardie siding can offer invaluable protection, possibly saving lives and minimizing damage to property.
While standard security features like locks, alarms, and surveillance cameras are crucial; it’s important to consider these safety issues while selecting your home. Think about how design might make your home a safer investment while you look for your perfect home. These and other security features are integrated into new, carefully planned communities from the beginning, making them an excellent choice for families.
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