Small businesses frequently find marketing to be a mystery where money is invested with uncertain results that may or may not materialize. Owners just do not have the time to become marketers while they are tasked with operating the firm because it is a field with a lot of technical jargon and execution demands. Those that do have a dedicated marketing resource frequently become discouraged when they are unable to show a return on their marketing effort.
If you are one of them, Marketing that Matters is for you. This is a part of a series of free on-demand courses offered by Invest Nova Scotia and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, in collaboration with Sympli Works. This is for you since you understand how important marketing is but don’t want to waste money without first knowing it and putting yourself in a successful position.
This webinar will provide a detailed marketing plan that outlines the activities for the next 12 months to reach your business goals; a process for developing campaigns that deliver on measurable objectives; and a clear brand guideline that sets your internal, or external, resources up for success. It will also give learners a holistic view of the customer journey and how your marketing efforts bring them down the funnel from not knowing who you are to a purchase; and a list of quick hits and a 90-day plan to get your marketing up and running.
Everyone is welcome to watch the first hour of the webinar, which covers broad inquiries about Marketing That Matters, in particular, how to understand the significance of marketing and how to position yourself for success.
The second hour is dedicated to answering inquiries from businesses that are presently taking the on-demand course or that have already finished a portion of it. Access to this component is provided via a separate link.
This webinar is on January 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM. More to this training and registration details at
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash